Covers Project Business Automation: The All-in-One Solution for Large Project-Based Manufacturers

Written by Matt Mong

Project Business Automation is all everyone is talking about. Most recently, PBA was covered in as a comprehensive solution for large project-based manufacturers suffering from disjointed data utilization.

As a project-based large manufacturer, if you don’t know how all your projects are doing at all times, you’re already behind.

Project business executives typically have very little visibility into the current status of their projects, what to speak of the business as a whole. While they may be receiving weekly status updates and monthly overviews, the information is already inaccurate and outdated due to the time it takes to manually consolidate and generate these reports. As a result, many important decisions are made based on this unreliable information.

Unfortunately, traditional business systems such as an ERP solution do not support the business needs of project-based manufacturers. To compensate for the lack of support, large project manufacturers typically employ between 10 and 15 different applications to manage their business processes. This means large manufacturers employ controllers and data processors to export, import, and consolidate data from these different systems, further increasing risk and decisions made on bad data.

And while this mix of applications remains the status quo, it’s a deeply flawed and antiquated methodology.

Project Business Automation (PBA) is the solution to this non-integrated mode of operation. As a new category of business systems built specifically to support large project-based manufacturers from end-to-end, PBA standardizes, integrates, and systemizes all project business processes for large project-based manufacturers.


Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Project Business

The Evolving Enterprise Covers Project Business Automation in an Interview with Adeaca’s Project Business Evangelist and CEO of Capital Pricing Consultants