Create Project-Driven MRP With a Third Generation Project Business Solution

Written by Matt Mong

Supply chain disruptions have a major impact on operational and financial workflows. Whether that’s the fluctuating availability of raw materials, issues with staffing, or procurement problems, disruptions that are not communicated in real time can potentially effect deadlines, schedules, and costs. It’s almost impossible to keep a project on track if demands for materials or production and supply chain disruptions are not relayed immediately.

As part of PlanAutomate Project Business Automation (PBA), Project Supply Chain creates project-driven materials resource planning. By integrating with your supply chain process, Project supply Chain informs the project of any changes in terms of procurement and inventory, so that adjustments can be made to the plan ad those changes can be communicated to the vendor.

This is only made possible with PlanAutomate PBA, a third-generation project business solution that focuses on the business side of projects and puts project processes first.

Informing Your Project Based on Real-Time Supply Chain Data, Only Made Possible with a Third-Generation Project Business Solution

Unlike generation one and two solutions on the market today, PBA is a completely integrated project business system designed to support the entire project lifecycle by integrating all your project business processes and business dimensions.

Due to the truly integrated nature of PlanAutomate PBA, Project Supply Chain enables real-time visibility and constrains your project based on material or production delivery and costs. If your project operations, financials, and supply chain processes are done in separate systems, using manual processes to take requirements from the project plan to drive supply chain and production needs and vice versa, often results in unnecessary delays and uninformed employees. In addition, the lack of real-time integration often leads to costly mistakes and missed deadlines.

No More Assuming Everything on the Supply Chain is On Schedule

Oftentimes, project managers don’t know what’s the problem or holdup in the project schedule because there’s no integration between supply chain and project business processes. They will continue with other components of the project assuming everything on the supply chain is on schedule. If there’s a problem, it’s often discovered too late causing more issues in other areas of the project. Any additional costs are not instantly known, resulting in projects to go overbudget. On top of all of that, it’s difficult to manage customer expectations and deliver projects on time if supply chain disruptions happen.

A Completely Integrated Project Business Solution Guarantees Better Cost Control and Improved Delivery

Project Supply Chain enables the real-time exchange of essential data between the supply chain and project. It helps you determine if the project task is going to be completed early, on time, or late. You’re able to compare when you can expect to get the materials needed for the task to the original expected date.

Since all your supply chain operations including lead time, inventory limits, logistics, disruptions, production, and sourcing capacity, etc. are automatically integrated into PlanAutomate PBA, you can inform or constrain your project based on the data. Only with real-time supply chain data can you inform the project, so the project schedule stays on track.

To learn more about Project Supply Chain, download the Project Supply Chain Feature Brief.

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