Editor of Modern Contractor Solutions Magazine Discusses the Importance of Focusing on the Business Side of Projects with Adeaca

Written by Matt Mong

What is project business and why are many adopting the term? Most recently, PlanAutomate was featured in Modern Contractor Solutions Magazine in an interview with the editor, Donna Campbell, discussing the importance of focusing on the business side of projects.

Project business is the management and governance of project processes from beginning to end. Failing to focus on the business side of projects can make it difficult to organize and support the business processes in a way that ensures success. Only by putting projects front and center will companies be able to understand how they should structure their business and what systems and solutions are possible.

Most companies adopt a business system like an ERP solution; however, traditional ERPs were not built with projects in mind. As a result, these companies implement an additional 10 to 15 different applications to manage their business processes and meet their needs. In this fragmented application landscape, there’s a lack of data integration, standardization and control.

The solution to this problem is Project Business Automation, a category of solutions designed to help companies integrate all core project business processes into one comprehensive system.

Read the full article in Modern Contractor Solutions Magazine.

To learn more, download the Quick Guide to Project Business Automation.

Manufacturing Today Features Project Business Automation

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