Can I effectively manage a project involving multiple internal departments?

Written by Henrik Lerkenfeld

Yes. Multiple internal departments can collaborate on a single project, sharing a single WBS and CBS. There may however be situations where splitting an engagement into multiple projects inside a project hierarchy makes more sense. Typical drivers towards working with multiple sub-projects in a project hierarchy includes:

  • Each sub-project can be assigned its own financial dimensions enabling department visibility in general ledger
  • Each sub-project has its own budget to which the department can be held accountable
  • Each sub-project has its own Work Breakdown Structure and schedule to which the department can be held accountable
  • Multiple planners can work on the engagement at the same time (one for each WBS)
  • Multiple controllers can work on the engagement at the same time (one for each CBS)
  • Each sub-project can have different contract line types. (E.g. part of the engagement is agreed on a time and material basis, other parts of the engagement is agreed on a fixed price basis.)
  • Each sub-project can be linked to its own department which is required to manage inter-department and inter-company resource loans

PlanAutomate PBA supports embedding multiple Work Breakdown Structures into a consolidated project schedule and embedding multiple Cost Breakdown Structures into a single consolidated financial view of the entire engagement. Working with a project hierarchy thus provides additional controls and flexibility without compromising on consolidated operational and financial management.

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