Does Adeaca PBA alert me to budget overruns?

Written by Henrik Lerkenfeld

Yes. Budget overruns are tracked by cost category and at the lowest level of the defined Cost Breakdown Structure (CBS). Recorded overruns are subsequently rolled up to parent CBS accounts. Budget overruns are established by comparing budget at completion (BAC) with estimate at completion (EAC). EAC can be automatically adjusted based on actual costs and cost commitments but can also be manually adjusted to reflect the most current expectations.

User defined thresholds determine when yellow and red flags (Sensor Points™) are attached to CBS accounts with medium to severe expected overruns. Budget overruns and related Sensor Points are tracked and stored by budget period for historic audit trail and trend analysis. PBA users are notified of overruns in a variety of ways ranging from the costing sheet, to project level sensor points, project performance dashboards and workspaces.

Learn more about Sensor Points in PlanAutomate PBA Project Insight

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