Is there a limit to the number of tasks in the project schedule?

Written by Matt Mong

No. There is no technical limit to the size of any Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) of a project in PlanAutomate Project Business Automation. We do, however, typically suggest keeping each WBS at 1,000 tasks or less. Importantly, this is not a hard size limit but a general best practice recommendation to ensure that a full WBS rescheduling process does not become too time consuming.

Of course, a project may consist of much more than 1,000 WBS tasks. In such cases, the recommendation is to break the project down into multiple Work Breakdown Structures and subsequently tie the structures into a master schedule in which interdependencies between structures are defined and at which a consolidated timeline is arrived. In PlanAutomate PBA this is achieved by using the embedded project feature.

Breaking a large engagement into multiple embedded Work Breakdown Structures has the added benefit that multiple planners can work on the project at the same time and provides additional controls if multiple departments/divisions are involved in the delivery of the project.

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