What is SAP Project System (PS)?

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SAP Project System

As part of SAP PPM, it is said to facilitate project lifecycle management.

According to SAP, Project System enables you to closely monitor all aspects of your project. This includes both technical and commercial aspects of the project.

Why SAP PS Does Not Work for All Companies

SAP PS is not a project business system, like Project Business Automation. As such, it is limited in its capabilities and benefits it brings its users.

In the Diagram below, SAP runs your company financials. What runs your projects?

We don’t manage our customer relationships or company financials in spreadsheets anymore. Why should projects be any different?

When something matters to your business, you need a business system.

Just like SAP organizes your company’s finances, Project Business Automation (PBA) organizes your company’s projects.

Control and streamline all your project business processes throughout the project lifecycle in one system.

Is PBA right for you?

If you are looking to solve serious problems in your project business, such as problems with cost control, project scheduling and resource planning, risk management, project estimation for large and/or complex projects, SAP PS likely will not meet your needs. That is because it is not really a project business system.

Download the Project Business Automation Quick Guide

How to bring order to your project business

Project Business Automation (PBA) is the first vertically integrated business system for projects designed to provide the financial and operational tools, controls, and insight that you need. PBA is built from the ground up for the enterprise to reduce complexity and seamlessly connect all your project business processes in one system. SAP PS is not a PBA system.

Connect your project business management to SAP

If you replace SAP PS with PBA you can easily integrate with SAP. PBA consolidates your project processes and data and then exchanges essential information with your SAP ERP. You will be able to go well beyond what SAP PS can provide, but still offer the business the information it needs operate efficiently and effectively in SAP.

SAP Project System Features and Capabilities

The SAP PS module includes basic project functionality including:

Work Breakdown Structure:

It uses a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) and Network Plans specific to SAP PS.

Time Schedule:

You can create the project timeline, the steps in the WBS specific to the project. You can track the activities of the employees according to the schedule.

Cost and Revenue Planning:

It uses the WBS as the project costing structure.

Project Budgeting:

You can budget and track costs on the WBS as the project progresses.

Project Progress Analysis:

You can analyze the stages of the project and the progress according to the WBS.

Project Reporting:

There are basic reporting capabilities such as financial (G/L Account and line item), material, resource, and project progress.

learn more Learn More about an alternative to SAP Project System: Project Business Automation

What is SAP PPM (Portfolio and Project Management)?

How to do Project Management in SAP?