Featured in Forbes: The Manufacturing Battle of Process vs. Project

Written by Matt Mong

For years, the industrial sectors have conducted a battle of process versus project. And while process is critical, in a project-based manufacturing environment where there’s constant changes to be made in design and production make continuous improvement process difficult.

Matt Mong, our VP of Market Innovation, explains the problems with the traditional process mindset and why it’s important for project-based manufacturers to think “projects first.” The key is to focus on the project financials, operations and analytics as core to their business model. This makes their processes and technological requirements much clearer and it’s easier to see where improvement is needed.

When you put projects front and center, it becomes obvious that traditional ERPs do not work as they should for these project-based manufacturers, and this shift towards projectization means there’s a growing need to find end-to-end solutions that fit their unique business paradigm.

Read the entire article on Forbes.

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