Project Automation: Project Modeling

Revolutionize the way you build projects: Faster and with more Control

Build complex projects in minutes instead of hours.

Anyone, from salespeople to project managers to engineers can build an accurate project plan and estimate in just a few clicks.

  1. Select a model for the new project
  2. Configure it with this project’s specifications
  3. Insert it to automatically create a Cost Breakdown Structure and Work Breakdown Structure designed for this project

Not only is it faster, but it makes the best possible process repeatable by everyone.

Better Plans = Better Outcomes

Strengthen Governance

  • Best practices distributed throughout the enterprise through models
  • More control with standardized, measurable outputs

Increase Speed

  • Build projects faster
  • Accelerate the sales process

Boost Accuracy

  • Automated process to reduce human error
  • Optimal project structure every time
  • Eliminate erratic and “wishful” sales proposals

Improve Collaboration

  • Sales, planning and operations teams work together seamlessly
  • Project Managers can more easily support each other
  • Task owners and team members easily navigate plans across different projects

Whitepaper: Project Modeling – Revolutionize How Projects are Built

Discover Project Modeling and how it can impact your project business.

Download this whitepaper to learn how Project Modeling can create a streamlined and controlled planning and estimating process for your company. Learn how you can scale and automate best practices. 

Download now

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