Project Automation: Project-Driven Supply Chain
Seamless coordination of production and procurement with your projects.
Make your project delivery vastly more efficient.
ETO manufacturers, construction, and various project businesses that depend on accurate and timely delivery of materials need a project-driven supply chain.
- Drive item requirements from the project
- No more discovering delays too late
- No more endless coordination meetings between teams

Feature Brief: Project-Driven Supply Chain
Download the Project- Driven Supply Chain Feature Brief to discover what this advanced capability can do for your company.
What you will learn:
- What is Project-Driven Supply Chain and its purpose
- How does it work
- Problems Project-Driven Supply Chain solves
- Use cases for Project-Driven Supply Chain
- How Project-Driven Supply Chain will benefit your company

Keeping you on track and on time…
Enhanced MRP
In the Material Requirement Planning (MRP) process, requirement dates feed directly from the project schedule to planned production and purchase orders ensuring orders are planned with a timely arrival to support the current schedule while taking into account lead times, inventory levels, production routing details and internal production capacity.
Constant Realignment
The system constantly provides the latest requirement dates from the schedule to MRP and delivery dates from MRP to the schedule. Track material delivery status against the project schedule in single view. Easily locate and fix any discrepancies.
Automated Alerts
The system constantly looks for discrepancies between your material delivery dates and your current schedule. If any deviation is detected, alerts are triggered to the appropriate stakeholders.
Accurate Cost Tracking
Material costs are time-phased in your budget according to your schedule. Actual costs automatically hit your CBS at the right time and in the right amount.

Ready to talk about project automation?
Reach out to us today to schedule a consultation.
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