Quality Digest Podcast: Shifting Towards “Projectization”

Written by Matt Mong

Our VP of Market Innovation, Matt Mong, chats with Quality Digest about the shift towards “projectization.” The trend towards project-based manufacturing has increased as a result of the automation of repetitive, high-volume manufacturing.

Unfortunately, project-based manufacturers have been using the same business system as repetitive manufacturers – an ERP system that has manufacturing tools such as supply chain, procurement and production schedules. But for project-based manufacturers who have projects at the core of what they do, the current business set up doesn’t work.

As a result, project-based manufacturers end up implementing multiple tools and applications that operate in their individual silos and there’s no integration.

No one knows what’s the status of their projects and if there are issues, they don’t figure out until it’s too late.

Project Business Automation is the only solution that allows for the automation and connection of project business processes with your manufacturing processes.

Listen to the podcast below.

Featured in Forbes: Adeaca’s Project Business Evangelist Discusses Why New Product Categories Face Resistance

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