The Enterprise Performance Index: Know How Your Business is Doing with One Number

Written by Matt Mong

Project-based companies often lack visibility into project business performance and have no idea where to look on how to improve. This is because they operate in a disparate landscape of point solutions to manage their projects. With not true data integration, project insight suffers and companies are left in the dark as to how their business is performing. There isn’t a single source for accurate, objective information about the projects and business.

In addition, companies spend a lot of time and resources consolidating and integrating data to provide meaningful, actionable data. Most of the time, it just doesn’t get done and the lack of insight persists.

The Enterprise Performance Index in a Generation 3 Project Business System

As part of PlanAutomate Project Business Automation, a third-generation project business system, the Enterprise Performance Index (EPI) provides unique capabilities that go beyond other solutions on the market.

Generation 1 and 2 systems today do not integrate their project financials and operations, making it difficult to gather real-time project health and performance indicators.

Due to the true integration of a generation 3 system, the Enterprise Performance Index enables project-driven companies to monitor how their business is performing overall, and drill down on key financial and operational areas that need further attention.

The Benefits of the Enterprise Performance Index

Raw KPIs are normalized into index values and evaluated against company goals or industry standards. This allows project-based companies to see how the overall business, departments, and teams are performing in certain key operational and financial areas.  High-level executives can see operational and financial items such as scheduling delays or margin erosion that need improving so they can spend time focusing on those areas. Essentially, the EPI provides a way to see how the business is doing and drill down into specific areas that need further attention, providing a roadmap for improvement.

The EPI provides:

  • Color codes to make it easy to identify performance variances
  • Trend indicators to illustrate improving or deteriorating indexes by analyzing your performance over time
  • Visibility into specific portfolio and portfolio group levels

Easily and Instantly See How Your Business is Doing

The EPI provides a one number summary of how your overall business and projects are doing. Any risks can be drilled down to portfolio and portfolio group levels and instantly identified. This allows project stakeholders to focus on mitigating risks faster, rather than trying to find where the problem is. Implementing a completely integrated project business system provides transparency into your business and projects, guaranteeing projects are delivered on time and on budget.

To learn more about the Enterprise Performance Index, download the feature brief.

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