This year companies have emerged stronger than ever. They’ve learned what it means to be resilient, to persevere amidst the reality of the pandemic, and to prepare and embrace change. Many companies have made significant changes in how they structure their business as the shift towards projectization has never been more apparent than now.
Project business is everywhere and in 2022, we expect to see companies in all industries put projects front and center.
Let’s take a look at the top 10 project business blogs of 2021.
#1 Project Scheduling: Dynamics 365 Project Operations vs. PlanAutomate Project Business Automation
#2 What is Project Business and Why is it Important?
#3 7 Project Management KPIs You Should Know in Real Time
#4 What is Project Modeling and How Does it Work?
#5 CPQ Podcast for Manufacturing and Construction
#6 Microsoft Dynamics 365 Project Operations: Who is it for?
#7 Women in Manufacturing Podcast: Enterprise Software Built with Projects in Mind
#8 Why Don’t You Know What’s Going on in Your Projects?
#9 Featured in Forbes: PlanAutomate’s Project Business Evangelist Discusses Why New Product Categories Face Resistance
#10 The PM Podcast Features Project Business Automation
Feel free to reach out to our editorial team if you’d like to contribute to our blog site on all things Project Business.