Transforming Project Businesses is our Mission

Written by Matt Mong

Adeaca PBA

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We are Project Business Experts.

Project-driven companies need project-driven solutions. We provide Microsoft technology solutions and services to project-based companies.

Who We Serve

We serve mid-market companies that organize their business activities in projects. They operate in project-driven industries such as Architecture, Engineering & Construction, ETO Manufacturing, and Professional Services. If you are a project-based company with roughly 100 to 3000 employees, you have come to the right place. ADEACA is a Microsoft technology partner bringing innovative solutions to customers just like you.

What Project Industry are you in?

What We Do

We provide project business solutions & services for project driven companies, based on Microsoft cloud technology and platforms. We help you standardize and integrate your processes and data to bring you real-time insight and company-wide collaboration so you can deliver more projects on time and within budget.

Find Your Solution

The Lean Project Enterprise – Making the Case

ADEACA PBA – the End-to-End System that Transforms Project-Driven Companies